The Power of LNA
LNA tools have unprecedented sensitivity and specificity – ideal for challenging applications, in which the target is present at low levels
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Custom LNA Oligonucleotide Design and Applications
Learn how to create custom LNA-enhanced oligos for applications not covered by our standard products
LNA Application Stories
LNA enhancement enables powerful analyses in many different research applications – see what others are doing
Gene Expression Analysis
Choose between SYBR Green or an LNA-enhanced hydrolysis probe for detection
miRNA Quantification
Extremely sensitive and specific miRNA quantification, with a fast and easy workflow – even for samples with low RNA content
RNA/miRNA Sequencing
Reaction chemistries and simplified workflows for preparing robust NGS libraries and eliminating PCR and sequencing bias
RNA/miRNA Function Studies
Unique and innovative designs ensure high potency and target specificity to help you discover new RNA functions in vitro and in vivo
RNA/miRNA Localization
Superior binding affinity enables differentiation of splice variants, isoforms and small mutations with an exceptionally high signal-to-noise ratio
LNA Resource Center
The unique characteristics of LNA make it a powerful tool, not only for miRNA research but also for detection of low-abundance, short or highly similar targets in a number of applications.
Antisense LNA GapmeR Custom Builder Help
The Antisense LNA GapmeR Custom Builder will help you create and purchase antisense oligonucleotides for effective and specific knockdown of your RNA target.