Forensic scientists at the Netherlands Forensic Institute bring clarity to the chaos of intricate crime scenes by deciphering RNA. This single strand of nucleic acid provides completely different information to that delivered by DNA, enabling the truth to be unlocked like never before.
Forensic science is challenging. Samples are often degraded, low quality and quantity, and contain contaminants that can interfere with the data.
Dr. Margreet van den Berge, research scientist, Netherlands Forensic Institute
In a recent case involving excavated bodies, buried between four and 44 years ago, RNA profiles were able to be constructed on one-third of the samples obtained.
Dr. Titia Sijen, research and development team leader, Netherlands Forensic Institute
RNA was previously considered to be unusable from a forensic standpoint, because it degraded too quickly. But we now know that tiny snippets of RNA can be extremely longlived.
Dr. Titia Sijen, research and development team leader, Netherlands Forensic Institute
May 2020