The Investigator 24plex Kit family combines speed, sensitivity, and ease of use, as well as international compatibility by combining all new CODIS and ESS marker sets. This webinar will outline data from the developmental validation of the new kits, and the use of the QS to decide whether sample dilution leads to better results (i.e. inhibition) or not (i.e. degradation).
About the speaker
Daniel Müller, Ph.D.,
Dr. Daniel Müller is a Senior Scientist in QIAGEN’s Human Identity and Forensic Testing R&D department. He joined QIAGEN in 2010 to work on forensic assay technologies, and plays a key role in the development of the Investigator STR product line. He headed the development and validation of the new Investigator 24plex Kits. Dr. Daniel Müller obtained his PhD degree in Biology in 2007 from the University of Münster, Germany, where he worked on genetics and the molecular biology of pathogenic bacteria. Afterwards, he worked as a Project Manager R&D and focused on microarray feasibilities for the detection of forensic SNP marker sets recommended by the SNPforID community.
Date of recording:miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014
Duration:60 minutes
Human ID & Forensics