Doug Bost
Before founding JETA, Mr. Bost was Director of Human Genetic and Transplantation Diagnostics R&D at Celera/Quest Diagnostics in the San Francisco Bay Area. Mr. Bost also spent many years developing novel PCR, DNA sequencing, and sample preparation technologies at Applied Biosystems, Roche Molecular Systems, and Cetus Corporation. Mr. Bost received his B.A. in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of California, Berkeley. He is also the primary inventor of multiple issued patents related to kits and methods for selective nucleic acid isolation.
7:00 AM - 9:30 AM GMT

Translational research is such a popular field that it’s challenging to keep up with the latest advances. Refresh your knowledge and get yourself updated in just a few hours. In this session, watch the engaging talks of some of the brightest scientists in the field as they discuss applications of dPCR in cancer, HIV and chimeric molecules.

  • Opening remarks from QIAGEN
  • The use of dPCR for liquid biopsies
    Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jo Vandesompele, Ghent University, pxlence, CellCarta
  • Application of dPCR to monitor response to treatments in patients affected by solid tumors
    Speaker: Dr. Marzia Del Re, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics, Università di PisaUniversità di Pisa, Italy
  • dMIQE guidelines for Digital PCR and HIV reservoirs quantification
    Speaker: Dr. Wim Trypsteen, Researcher and Founding Partner of the Ghent University dPCR Consortium, Belgium
  • Applications of Digital PCR for Monitoring Transplant Success – Stem Cell Chimerism Analysis
    Speaker: Mr. Doug Bost, JETA Molecular, Netherlands
  • PCR diagnosis of malaria: since 1993
    Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wang Nguitragool, Mahidol University (MU), Thailand
  • Closing remarks from QIAGEN
Prof. Jo Vandesompele and 4 other experts
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM GMT

Translational research is such a popular field that it’s challenging to keep up with the latest advances. Refresh your knowledge and get yourself updated in just a few hours. In this session, watch the engaging talks of some of the brightest scientists in the field as they discuss applications of dPCR in cancer, HIV and chimeric molecules.

  • Opening remarks from QIAGEN
  • The use of dPCR for liquid biopsies
    Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jo Vandesompele, Ghent University, pxlence, CellCarta
  • Application of dPCR to monitor response to treatments in patients affected by solid tumors
    Speaker: Dr. Marzia Del Re, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics, Università di PisaUniversità di Pisa, Italy
  • dMIQE guidelines for Digital PCR and HIV reservoirs quantification
    Speaker: Dr. Wim Trypsteen, Researcher and Founding Partner of the Ghent University dPCR Consortium, Belgium
  • Applications of Digital PCR for Monitoring Transplant Success – Stem Cell Chimerism Analysis
    Speaker: Mr. Doug Bost, JETA Molecular, Netherlands
  • PCR diagnosis of malaria: since 1993
    Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wang Nguitragool, Mahidol University (MU), Thailand
  • Closing remarks from QIAGEN
Prof. Jo Vandesompele and 4 other experts