1. What role does laboratory automation play at GATC Biotech?
Automation plays a very important role. We mostly use robotic systems because of their flexibility. In Cologne, we process about 50,000 Sanger sequencing samples a week – meaning approximately 10,000 every 24 hours. We have a very high automation grade, from sample arrival to data delivery. Every step is trackable in our LIMS, as the sample barcodes are scanned immediately after sample arrival.
2. How is QIAsymphony used in GATC Biotech’s daily work?
It is used on a daily basis. We use it for the isolation of DNA and RNA for samples, which are analyzed by using next-generation sequencing. It is mainly used for blood and stool samples at the moment. Blood for applications like identification of cancer and other diseases, while stool samples, but also other sample material, are used for microbiome analysis. We also process samples from swabs.
3. Why did you choose QIAsymphony?
What convinced us was the quality. GATC is a service provider, so we get a huge variation of samples, including blood that isn’t always stored as it should have been. Across this huge variety of incoming sample material and sample quality we found that QIAsymphony delivers the most stable results on quality and also on the amount of RNA we get from the isolates compared to other techniques.
4. How has QIAsymphony affected GATC Biotech’s workflow?
Thinking about our product as a service provider, from isolation to data delivery, the workflow has become more stable due to automation of the first step: the sample processing part. QIAsymphony helps to eliminate many manual steps and frees up staff time.
GATC Biotech is Europe’s leading sequencing services provider with its own laboratories in Cologne and Constance, Germany. It offers DNA and RNA sequencing and bioinformatics solutions to customers from academia, healthcare and pharmaceutical industry worldwide. The company’s mission is: ‘Improving the quality of life by analyzing nucleic acids.’ It contributes to the sequencing field with its own innovative products, scientific expertise and rigorous quality. The customer-oriented R&D enables successful scientific collaborations. http://bit.ly/GATCBiotech