QIAseq FastSelect -rRNA HMR Kits

For rapid rRNA and/or globin mRNA removal for RNA-seq library preparation from human, mouse, rat and other mammalian samples

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QIAseq FastSelect -Globin Kit (24)

Cat no. / ID.   334376

Includes 3 tubes of QIAseq FastSelect reagent for globin mRNA removal; sufficient for 24 reactions from human, mouse and rat samples
1 377,00 €
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Globin mRNA removal
rRNA removal
rRNA/Globin mRNA removal
QIAseq FastSelect -rRNA HMR Kits are intended for molecular biology applications. These products are not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.

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✓ Fast and reliable (re)-ordering


  • Compatible with QIAGEN, Illumina, NEB and KAPA stranded RNA-seq library kits
  • Single reagent for human, mouse, rat and other mammalian species
  • High-performance rRNA and/or globin removal in just 14 minutes
  • Only one pipetting step – combine QIAseq FastSelect reagent with RNA and incubate
  • No extra cleanup steps or NGS library protocol changes

Product Details

QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR and QIAseq FastSelect –Globin Kits use a novel method to remove highly abundant RNA that is of low scientific value from your RNA-seq libraries. Researchers using RNA-seq for whole transcriptome analysis can use QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR to remove cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNA, while researchers starting with blood samples can use QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA/Globin to remove both rRNA and globin mRNA. For researchers who are enriching for mRNA from blood, and only want to remove globin mRNA, we recommend QIAseq FastSelect –Globin. QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR and QIAseq FastSelect –Globin Kits remove more unwanted RNA and are 30% faster than our previous kit versions.

Analyze RNA-seq data with ease using the GeneGlobe-integrated RNA-seq Analysis Portal – an intuitive, web-based data analysis solution created for biologists and included with this QIAseq Kit.

We recommend using QIAseq Stranded RNA Library Kits, robust strand-specific RNA library prep kits, for high-quality and highly fragmented samples, such as FFPE.

Design your own custom QIAseq FastSelect pools to remove any RNAs you wish from your RNA-seq library – take a look at our QIAseq FastSelect Custom RNA Removal Kits.

Want to try the QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA/Globin Kit for the first time? Request a trial kit to evaluate.


QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kits demonstrated highly efficient removal of rRNA and superior performance compared to our previous kit versions and alternative products.
See figures:
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit removes rRNA with 1 step in 14 minutes
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit has comprehensive coverage to remove cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNA targets
 QIAseq FastSelect –Globin Kit has comprehensive coverage to remove adult, fetal and embryonic globin mRNA RNA
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit provides greater rRNA removal than previous kit versions
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit shows comparable gene expression results with previous kit versions
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit maintains the expression profile: detection of expressed genes (RPKM >0.3)
 QIAseq FastSelect–rRNA HMR Kit maintains the expression profile: consistent detection of expressed genes (RPKM >0.3)

Robust performance with a variety of sample types, regardless of RNA input

QIAseq FastSelect provides reliable rRNA removal, consistent read mapping and reproducible gene expression results with RNA extracted from various sample types, including FFPE, and over a broad range of RNA input amounts.
See figures:
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit is a single solution that removes mitochondrial and cytoplasmic rRNA from human, mouse, rat and other mammalian samples
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit provides consistent distribution of read mapping between replicates
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA/Globin Kit shows consistent results over a broad range of RNA input: highly efficient and reproducible removal of rRNA and globin mRNA, regardless of RNA input
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA/Globin Kit shows consistent results over a broad range of RNA input: highly consistent breakdown of mapped reads, regardless of RNA input
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA/Globin Kit shows consistent results over a broad range of RNA input: gene expression results
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR works with FFPE and degraded RNA samples
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR works with FFPE and degraded RNA samples: removal of rRNA leads to increased exon mapping
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR works with FFPE and degraded RNA samples: gene expression results
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR: robust performance with FFPE RNA samples
 QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR: robust performance with FFPE RNA samples: gene expression results

See figures
QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit removes rRNA with 1 step in 14 minutesQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit removes rRNA with 1 step in 14 minutesQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit has comprehensive coverage to remove cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNA targetsQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit has comprehensive coverage to remove cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNA targetsQIAseq FastSelect –Globin Kit has comprehensive coverage to remove adult, fetal and embryonic globin mRNAQIAseq FastSelect –Globin Kit has comprehensive coverage to remove adult, fetal and embryonic globin mRNAQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit provides greater rRNA removal than previous kit versionsQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit provides greater rRNA removal than previous kit versionsQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit shows comparable gene expression results with previous kit versionsQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit shows comparable gene expression results with previous kit versionsQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit maintains the expression profile: detection of expressed genes (RPKM >0.3)QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit maintains the expression profile: detection of expressed genes (RPKM >0.3)QIAseq FastSelect–rRNA HMR Kit maintains the expression profile: consistent detection of expressed genes (RPKM >0.3)QIAseq FastSelect–rRNA HMR Kit maintains the expression profile: consistent detection of expressed genes (RPKM >0.3)QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit is a single solution that removes mitochondrial and cytoplasmic rRNA from human, mouse, rat and other mammalian samplesQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit is a single solution that removes mitochondrial and cytoplasmic rRNA from human, mouse, rat and other mammalian samplesQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit provides consistent distribution of read mapping between replicatesQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR Kit provides consistent distribution of read mapping between replicatesQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA/Globin Kit shows consistent results over a broad range of RNA input: highly efficient and reproducible removal of rRNA and globin mRNA, regardless of RNA inputQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA/Globin Kit shows consistent results over a broad range of RNA input: highly efficient and reproducible removal of rRNA and globin mRNA, regardless of RNA inputQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA/Globin Kit shows consistent results over a broad range of RNA input: highly consistent breakdown of mapped reads, regardless of RNA inputQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA/Globin Kit shows consistent results over a broad range of RNA input: highly consistent breakdown of mapped reads, regardless of RNA inputQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA/Globin Kit shows consistent results over a broad range of RNA input: gene expression resultsQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA/Globin Kit shows consistent results over a broad range of RNA input: gene expression resultsQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR works with FFPE and degraded RNA samplesQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR works with FFPE and degraded RNA samplesQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR works with FFPE and degraded RNA samples: removal of rRNA leads to increased exon mappingQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR works with FFPE and degraded RNA samples: removal of rRNA leads to increased exon mappingQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR works with FFPE and degraded RNA samples: gene expression resultsQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR works with FFPE and degraded RNA samples: gene expression resultsQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR: robust performance with FFPE RNA samplesQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR: robust performance with FFPE RNA samplesQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR: robust performance with FFPE RNA samples: gene expression resultsQIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR: robust performance with FFPE RNA samples: gene expression results


After using your mRNA extraction kit, removing highly expressed, but biologically unimportant RNA transcripts makes NGS more efficient and enables higher sample throughput with higher sensitivity. Furthermore, removal of unwanted RNA species from FFPE samples and from degraded RNA samples is particularly challenging and can result in suboptimal performance.

QIAseq FastSelect is designed for quick, efficient removal of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNA and/or globin mRNA from total RNA during NGS RNA library preparation. QIAseq FastSelect seamlessly integrates with your existing RNA stranded library preparation workflow for RNA removal in a single, 14-minute inline step. Prior to RNA heat fragmentation (which is optional and dependent upon the library preparation kit and sample type), QIAseq FastSelect removal reagent is directly combined with total RNA and the library preparation-specific buffers. After fragmentation, the reaction temperature is stepwise cooled to room temperature and the remaining library preparation steps are completed. There is no need to perform any type of enrichment on the total RNA samples. QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR and QIAseq FastSelect –Globin Kits ensure consistently high performance with RNA amounts ranging from as little as 1 ng to 1 µg. QIAseq FastSelect can be used with RNA from fresh samples, as well as RNA from FFPE (formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded) samples or degraded RNA, and delivers reliable rRNA removal and high reproducibility in downstream applications.


Most RNA removal or depletion strategies associated with RNA-seq library construction are sample pre-treatment strategies involving hybrid-capture or enzymatic removal of unwanted RNA. Our unique QIAseq FastSelect procedure is compatible with QIAGEN, Illumina, KAPA and NEB stranded library preparation kits and provides complete rRNA removal in a single, 14-minute inline step (figure  QIAseq FastSelect Kit workflow). This is dramatically faster than alternative RNA depletion kits, which require pre-treatment protocols involving more than 25 steps and 2 hours to complete.

Simply add QIAseq FastSelect reagent (rRNA Removal and/or Globin Removal) to the RNA sample, perform fragmentation (if required), stepwise cool the reaction from 75°C to 25°C for 14 minutes and then complete the remaining library preparation steps. QIAseq FastSelect works with or without RNA fragmentation, providing the flexibility to use RNA from FFPE samples or degraded RNA samples, or high-quality RNA as part of a standard RNA-seq library construction workflow.

See figures
QIAseq FastSelect Kit workflowQIAseq FastSelect Kit workflow


QIAseq FastSelect delivers rapid, reliable RNA removal from FFPE and fresh sample RNA sources. QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA HMR and QIAseq FastSelect –Globin Kits are available in a variety of different formats and sizes to suit your specific applications.

Supporting data and figures


Brochures & Guides (1)
Presentation describing the underestimated role of rRNA removal from FFPE and liquid biopsy samples
Certificates of Analysis (1)
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