Like many bioanalytical systems, dPCR may require optimizing assay conditions to ensure the highest level of performance. In this webinar, we will review the current laboratory standards for dPCR assay optimization and how they relate to QIAGEN’s nanoplate-based QIAcuity dPCR system recommendations. Additionally, practical approaches to assay optimization will be presented to assist users in producing high-quality data.
About the speaker
John Chuckalovcak, M.S.,
Broadly trained in molecular biology and genomic analysis technologies, John has 10 years of experience supporting digital PCR (dPCR) implementation throughout multiple sectors of biosciences. At QIAGEN, he works in a consultative role and supports research and applied testing laboratories in North America to integrate dPCR across a wide variety of applications to quantify nucleic acids.
Date of recording:mardi 28 septembre 2021
Duration:45 minutes
Academic Basic Research
Molecular Biology
Digital PCR