When exosomes talk, cells listen
Liquid biopsy

When exosomes talk, cells listen

Learn the talk of exosomes and communicate your findings to the world!

Exosome communication between cells is more than just idle chatter. The molecular contents of exosomes and other extracellular vesicles (EVs) can provide clues to cell health, disease status and more. Learn how QIAGEN’s exosome isolation and RNA purification technologies can help advance your most challenging liquid biopsy investigations. Begin your discovery into the secrets of cell communication, cancer, aging and disease right here.

Real Time PCR
Exosomes are membrane-encapsulated particles typically ranging from 20 to 120 nm in size. They contain multiple macromolecules, including proteins, mRNA and miRNA.
EV biomarker webinar on-demand
EV biomarker webinar on-demand
The path from exosomes and EV biomarker research to real-world application is not always easy. That’s why we’ve asked four experts to share their insights with us. Watch our webinar on-demand to learn more.
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Standardized protein characterization
Standardized protein characterization
Discover one simple workflow to help you consistently isolate intact EVs and characterize proteins recommended by the Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV) guidelines.
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Rapid RNA extraction from urinary EVs
Rapid RNA extraction from urinary EVs
Try the optimized protocol to extract EV RNAs from large sample volumes and remove contaminates in less than one hour.
Download protocol
How do spin columns compare to traditional methods?
How do spin columns compare to traditional methods?
We’ve done the testing for you. See which method offers the highest standardization and most reliable isolation of RNA from serum and plasma EVs.
Read paper
Get your starter kit
Get your starter kit
Capture EVs and extract high-quality RNA from various biofluids in just one hours using the exoRNeasy Serum/Plasma Starter Kit.
Get started
Analyzing protein expression in intact EVs can be challenging due to the low amount of material and expression levels of many of these proteins. To help you overcome this, check out our optimized workflow for characterizing transmembrane and cytosolic EV proteins and contaminating non-EV proteins. 

How can you purify intact exosomes and other EVs in just 25 minutes? The answer is easy. Try spin-column isolation using the exoEasy Maxi Kit.

Western protein analysis
Western protein analysis
How can you get sensitive, consistent western blotting results every time? The answer is simple. Discover Simple Western from ProteinSimple.

Discover the optimized workflow for detecting EV proteins recommended by the MISEV guidelines using exoEasy and automated western blotting. Watch poster presentation below.

Protein characterization workflow explained

Watch the video to learn how to detect EV proteins recommended by the MISEV guidelines using exoEasy and automated westerns with Simple Western. You can also download the poster. Data provided by BioTechne.

Webinar: Advances in exosome research

In this webinar from BioTechne, Dr Chris Heger and Dr Johan Skog discuss the latest tools for exosome research. You’ll learn how to isolate EVs, detect proteins and profile RNAs. You’ll also see how exosomes can be used as biomarker of diseases.

Guidelines for profiling biofluid miRNAs
Guidelines for profiling biofluid miRNAs
Learn how to profile miRNAs from liquid biopsy samples using NGS and PCR.
Tips and tricks
Exosome FAQs
Exosome FAQs
Chief Scientific Officer Dr Johan Skog answers five FAQs about advances in exosome research.
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EV extraction explained
EV extraction explained
Dr Martin Schlumpberger explains dos and don'ts for handling and pretreating samples for EV isolation.
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Cell-cell communication
Cell-cell communication
What are extracellular RNAs and how do they control cell function? Watch this short video to find out.
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miRNAs in human plasma
miRNAs in human plasma
Learn how to separate two populations of miRNAs in plasma and get more meaningful biomarker profiles.
Download poster
Compare preanalytical workflows
Compare preanalytical workflows
See how different options for collecting and storing blood impact the final result.
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Compare EV extraction methods
Compare EV extraction methods
Find out how different methods for isolating intact exosomes and EVs compare.
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exoEasy Maxi Kit
exosomes ctcs exosomes
exoEasy Maxi Kit
For purification of exosomes and other extracellular vesicles (EVs) from plasma, serum and cell culture supernatant
exoRNeasy Midi and Maxi Kits
exosomes ctcs exosomes
exoRNeasy Midi and Maxi Kits
For efficient isolation of exosomal RNA from biofluids