What is Genomic DNA?
Genomic DNA constitutes the total genetic information of an organism. The genomes of almost all organisms are DNA, the only exceptions being some viruses that have RNA genomes. Genomic DNA molecules are generally large, and in most organisms are organized into DNA–protein complexes called chromosomes. The size, number of chromosomes, and nature of genomic DNA varies between different organisms (see table Sizes and molecular weights of various genomic DNAs). Viral DNA genomes are relatively small and can be single- or double-stranded, linear, or circular. All other organisms have double-stranded DNA genomes. Bacteria have a single, circular chromosome. In eukaryotes, most genomic DNA is located within the nucleus (nuclear DNA) as multiple linear chromosomes of different sizes. Eukaryotic cells additionally contain genomic DNA in the mitochondria and, in plants and lower eukaryotes, the chloroplasts. This DNA is usually a circular molecule and is present as multiple copies within these organelles.