Application of QIAGEN Workflow with Quality Sensors and Interpretation: Database and Casework Samples

Every year forensic DNA laboratories process thousands of reference and casework samples for the criminal justice community. Laboratories are continually exploring innovative solutions that can meet their throughput needs, increase speed, generate accurate results from challenging samples, improve first-pass success rates, and reduce costs.
When samples are triaged more effectively, laboratories can maximize efficiency and cost savings and reduce or even prevent futile reworking of poor samples. In order to make such informed decisions, analysts primarily rely on information provided during DNA quantification. However, these results are not always the best indicator of downstream STR success, and most STR kits do not provide a reliable assessment of sample quality that can be used to predict amplification success or identify an optimal rework strategy to obtain usable STR profiles.
This webinar will focus on assessing the effectiveness of the QIAGEN Investigator Quality Sensor (QS) system when STR typing both database reference samples and forensic casework evidence. The degree of consistency and reproducibility between the quality flags in the Investigator Quantiplex Pro RGQ Kit during DNA quantification and the Quality Sensor in the Investigator 24plex kits, as well as the quality of the STR profile itself, will be discussed.
Dr. Hughes-Stamm will be presenting data comparing the amplification success of both pristine and environmentally challenged reference samples using the Investigator 24plex GO! Kit and casework samples using the Investigator 24plex QS Kit. In addition, she will demonstrate rework strategies for failed samples and highlight the benefits afforded by the QS system in producing complete, high-quality STR profiles.