Investigate the mechanisms of cancer
Liquid biopsy

From cell-free miRNA to your next big discovery

Take a leap forward in your next big discovery with circulating, cell-free miRNA

Liquid biopsy research is making big strides using stable, extracellular miRNAs in serum and plasma. With the rapid development of highly sensitive and affordable technologies to study these circulating biomarkers, liquid biopsy research is quickly becoming a central part of many biomedical research projects. Taking advantage of miRNA expression analysis as a non-invasive biomarker for a range of diseases requires standardization of techniques and accurate evaluation of the resulting data to ensure success. Our miRNA resources below can help advance your research.

Success starts with good guidelines
Success starts with good guidelines
Our Guidelines for Profiling Biofluid miRNAs can help maximize your miRNA sequencing and qPCR success across a range liquid biopsy samples, including blood, serum/plasma, urine, CSF and exosomes.
Download now
Learning series
Learning series
Learn more about RNA biomarkers in liquid biopsy and get expert tips and tricks from our experts.
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Everything you need to know about cell free miRNA isolation.
Watch now
Absolute quantification of miRNAs and CNVs with high accuracy and precision using digital PCR
Watch now
miRNA-seq: Tools to interrogate a class of gene expression master regulators
Watch now
QIAGEN has the most comprehensive product portfolio for miRNA profiling from liquid biopsy, starting from sample collection and stabilization PAXgene products through miRNA discovery by next generation sequencing using QIAseq miRNA library kits. The workflow pushes microRNA verification to new heights with the miRCURY LNA PCR system , which delivers superior specificity and sensitivity for accurate and robust detection of your miRNA of interest from liquid biopsies. Discover more using next-generation sequencing and profile down to 1 miRNA copy in with either digital PCR and qPCR technologies.
Sample collection and stabilization
Sample collection and stabilization
PAXgene Blood Tubes are used for blood collection, stabilization, transport and storage in a single tube for standardized preanalytical processing.
See all of our stabilzation products
miRNA isolation
miRNA isolation
Prepare your sample for downstream analysis using our advanced purification kits.
See all of our isolation and sample pep kits
Profile all the microRNAs from your sample using QIAseq miRNA library kits which feature unique molecular indexing (UMIs) for increased accuracy, a gel free-procedure for a faster automatable workflow and 768 UDI indexes for the highest throughput on high capacity NGS instruments.
See all of our NGS options
Digital PCR
Digital PCR
When you're looking for third generation PCR products that provide sensitive and specific miRNA quantification, miRCURY LNA miRNA PCR Assays contain both forward and reverse PCR amplification primers that are optimized with LNA technology.
See all of our Digital PCR Options
Make it easy to profile relevant miRNAs using qPCR with pre-defined Liquid biopsy specific miRCURY LNA PCR miRNA PCR Focus Panels for serum/plasma, urine exsome and CSF exsome panels! Or design your own Custom miRCURY LNA PCR Panel .
See all of our qPCR options
Empower your discoveries and put the power of GeneGlobe to work, streamlining your research workflow targets.
See what GeneGlobe can do
genomic services

Get help for your miRNA prep

With our Genomic Services, you can:

  • Extend your in-house resources quickly and conveniently
  • Ensure your data is high quality using our expertise
  • Get support with just the time-consuming parts of your project or with your entire Sample to Insight journey
  • Benefit from expert consultation and make the best decisions to achieve your goals
Your partner in genomic exploration
Let us help you accelerate your biomarker discoveries using our Genomic Services.
Isolation of exosomal RNA(1)
Serum/ plasma

Up to 1 ml

Up to 4 ml

exoRNeasy Midi Kit

exoRNeasy Maxi Kit

miRCURY LNA PCR (SYBR Green), Human Serum/Plasma Focus Panel

miRCURY LNA PCR (SYBR Green),Custom Panel

 QIAseq miRNA Library Kits

QIAseq miRNA UDI Index Kits

UrineUp to 16 mlexoRNeasy Maxi Kit

miRCURY LNA PCR (SYBR Green), Human Urine Exosome Focus Panel

miRCURY LNA PCR (SYBR Green),Custom Panel


Up to 1 ml 

Up to 8 ml

exoRNeasy Midi Kit

exoRNeasy Maxi Kit

miRCURY LNA PCR (SYBR Green), Human CSF Exosome Focus Panel

miRCURY LNA PCR (SYBR Green),Custom Panel

Cell culture
Up to 32 mlexoRNeasy Maxi Kit

miRCURY LNA PCR (SYBR Green), Human miRNome Panel 1

miRCURY LNA PCR (SYBR Green),Custom Panel

VolumeIsolation of exosomal RNA(2)


Up to 400 µlmiRNeasy Serum/Plasma Advanced Kit 

miRCURY LNA PCR (SYBR Green), Human Serum/Plasma Focus Panel

miRCURY LNA PCR (SYBR Green),Custom Panel

(1) total RNA including miRNA from extracellular vesicles or exosomes

(2) total RNA including miRNA from extracellular vesicles and free circulating in fluids – RNA inside and outside of vesicles

*Use with RNA Spike-in kit, for RT

miRNAs in human plasma
miRNAs in human plasma
Learn how to separate two populations of miRNAs in plasma and get more meaningful biomarker profiles.
Download poster
Innovative products to advance your research
Innovative products to advance your research
Products like the miRNeasy Serum/Plasma Advanced Kit offer safe and convenient miRNA purification.
Learn more
Find the miRNA you’re looking for
Find the miRNA you’re looking for
Open a world of miRNA sequences, their names and locations using the site as your reference guide.
Find your sequence
Interested in exosomes?
Interested in exosomes?
Learn how exosomes and extracellular vesicles (EVs) can provide clues to cell health, disease status and more. Discover how QIAGEN’s exosome isolation and RNA purification technologies can help advance your liquid biopsy research.
Learn more
PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes (IVD)
sample collection stabilization rna
PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes (IVD)
For collection of whole blood samples for molecular diagnostic testing