QIAintegrity Line
We at QIAGEN are guided by applicable law, internal rules and the principles set down in our Corporate Code of Conduct and Ethics. These standards are the foundation of how we conduct ourselves and interact with each other, our customers, suppliers, shareholders and other stakeholders.
As compliance with these standards is a key factor for our success, it is important for us to identify relevant misconduct early.
The QIAintegrity Line is an independent, impartial and confidential system put into place for the reporting of severe misconduct within our company and/or in our supply chain.
How to submit a report
Reports can be made to the QIAintegrity Line:
- In writing or orally via the digital reporting system that is available under the following link:
- In writing by sending an email to the following email address:
- Upon your request, by means of a physical meeting within a reasonable time frame. If you agree, the physical meeting can also be replaced by a virtual meeting.
What to report
You can report any actual or potential violations of applicable laws or QIAGEN-internal regulations with a broader impact on QIAGEN. These include, e.g., antitrust violations, bribery, corruption, fraud, theft or other criminal offenses, money laundering or terrorist financing, discrimination and harassment, as well as accounting, internal accounting control or auditing violations. In addition, you can report actual or potential risks or violations with regard to human rights or environmental obligations related to our business activity or to our direct or indirect suppliers.
How to best compose a report
In order for your report to be processed and investigated appropriately, it is important that your report is as specific as possible. To this end, it is helpful if you consider the following five questions in your report:
Who? What? When? How? Where?
Please make sure that your descriptions can also be understood by people outside your field of expertise. It is helpful if you are available for further questions. If you are willing to do so but still wish to remain anonymous, please use the option of the protected mailbox available to you in the digital reporting system.
What happens to your report
Once we have received your report, it will typically be processed as follows:
- You will receive an acknowledgment of receipt of your report within seven days;
- We will verify whether the report falls within the scope of our whistleblowing system;
- We will keep in contact with you;
- We will verify the validity of the received report and make a risk-based assessment of the quality of the reported misconduct or risk;
- Where necessary and possible, we will ask you for further information and/or discuss the facts of the case with you;
- We will diligently follow up on the report;
- We will provide feedback to you within a reasonable time frame, not exceeding three months, in particular on the action envisaged or taken as follow up and the grounds for such follow up.
How we protect you
We will maintain the confidentiality of your identity, the persons being subject of the report and any other persons mentioned in the report in accordance with applicable law. In addition, we will neither retaliate nor attempt or threaten to retaliate against you for having made a report to the QIAintegrity Line. However, these protective measures do not apply if you knowingly or gross-negligently report inaccurate information.
If you believe you have been retaliated against or witness the retaliation of another, please report this using our QIAintegrity Line.
The rules of procedure for the processing of complaints in accordance with the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz/LkSG) can be found here.
For questions or information regarding our QIAintegrity Line contact us at: Compliance@qiagen.com.