ForenSeq MainstAY Kit gains approval from FBI
NDIS approval of the ForenSeq MainstAY Kit allows labs to upload results to the US national DNA database and opens funding opportunities to US public crime labs to implement NGS workflows.
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Giving names to the nameless
Maximize recovery and analysis of human DNA from remains compromised by time, conflict or disaster with the QIAGEN bone sample processing workflow.
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YI Lindsay Kotchey on emerging technologies for challenging samples
Lindsay Kotchey talks about evaluating the FORCE panel for hair and fingernails and her work as a mentor and educator
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Giving names to Ukraine’s missing
In a country torn apart by war, where does anyone start when it comes to identifying the thousands of missing persons?
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Verogen: Now a QIAGEN company
We are very excited to welcome Verogen to our QIAGEN family. This addition will offer a comprehensive NGS Sample to Insight workflow and GEDmatch genealogy database to provide an accurate ID in criminal or missing person casework.
Tailored NGS workflows for every HID case
For decades, matching a profile with a suspect using DNA profiling remains unchanged. What if a direct match isn’t available? How can you move your investigation forward?
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Going beyond traditional genealogical research
Even the best-performing databases used in DNA profiling can still fall short, causing investigations to grind to a halt. FIGG can generate new leads when cases are at a dead end.
Discover the power of CE-based workflows
Explore the power of nucleic acid electrophoresis in forensics and human identification. We offer effortless, cost-effective and high-resolution capillary electrophoresis (CE) workflows that will aid the forensic DNA community in finding answers from crime scene to courtroom.
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Read stories and the latest news about the scientific investigator community. By getting involved in the community, you’ll be the first to learn about opportunities in the field of forensics and human identification. Also, you can be connected with the global forensics community and discuss the latest breakthroughs in human ID science by attending our Investigator Forums.
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