Microbial detection, Microbiome, Foundation, Sample technologies
Microbes and Microbiome

Microbial detection

Detecting, identifying and quantifying microbial targets

Rising numbers of infectious diseases and growing outbreaks of epidemics require us to be more effective in detecting and profiling microbes and especially pathogens. However, microbiome samples are very challenging and require high quality molecular tools to identify and characterize microbial targets, such as antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes. Explore here latest research and helpful tools to profile microbial genes in human health, environmental, agricultural or industrial applications.

generic webinar image, male person sitting in an office watching a webinar, labtop, screen, work on comuter
High sensitivity, targeted NGS variant detection of viral and bacterial pathogens

The COVID 19 pandemic highlighted the need to quickly identify and differentiate pathogenic variants of concern. One strategy is microbial surveillance of patient areas to help circumvent disease outbreaks. Especially probe based NGS is an efficient enrichment solution. This webinar introduces our QIAseq xHYB Viral and Bacterial Panels, which use hybrid capture technology to provide high sensitivity targeted whole genome enrichment for detecting and sequencing.

Pathogen detection using the new dPCR Microbial DNA Detection Assays on the QIAcuity

DNA based methods are highly valuable to detect microbes and their genes to understand their biological functions. Especially hydrolysis probe based assays and digital PCR allow rapid profiling and identification of microbial species, antibiotic resistance genes and virulence genes from diverse samples. This webinar introduces the new dPCR Microbial DNA Detection Assay portfolio and explains how to set up a dPCR microbial DNA detection experiment and analyze your microbial targets.

3D illustration of a e. Coli bacteria, microbiome, gut bacteria, gastro, microorganism, 05/2017 (General, Illustration, 3D Illustration, Life science, Download protected, From external databases)
Microbial, Microbe, Microbiome, Microbiota, Microbial DNA qPCR, C. difficile, C diff, C. diff, Cdiff, clostridium, artus, QIAsymphony, QS-RGQ, Rotor-Gene Q, RGQ, QS AS, QIAsymphony AS, bacteria, HAI, healthcare-associated infections, infection, infectious disease, MDx, diagnostic, routine , (Illustration, 3D Illustration, MDx)

Antimicrobial resistance Summit: Identifying antimicrobial resistance from Sample to Insight

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) detection and surveillance is a high priority in healthcare and environmental settings for the safety of both patients and the general public. However, working with samples used for this type of monitoring, such as stool or wastewater, can be challenging. This online summit takes you through a series of biological samples and demonstrates the workflows and characteristics of each.

Wastewater surveillance to push against pandemics
Knowledge about microbes and pathogens in wastewater reservoirs inform public health authorities
Sample stabilization
Sample stabilization
Protect the microbial community and functional profile of your stool sample with the PowerProtect DNA/RNA stabilization solution while storing your sample.
Protect your sample
Sample disruption
Sample disruption
Lyse your microbial sample with robust sample disruption systems based on bead beating technology for fast and efficient homogenization.
Lyse your sample
Nucleic acid extraction
Nucleic acid extraction
No matter which sample type or whether you want to extract DNA or RNA, the Power Pro kits with the second generation Inhibitor Removal Technology® provide you with the best starting material.
Isolate nucleic acids
Human sample selection guide
Human sample selection guide
Our human sample portfolio includes dedicated nucleic acid isolation solutions for many sample types, even the most challenging ones. See which kits suit your sample best in our human sample selection guide. Then choose the automation and throughput options you need.
Environmental sample selection guide
Environmental sample selection guide
For environmental and agricultural microbial research, our sample extraction solutions help you tackle difficult-to-lyse microbes, eliminate inhibitors from your sample and achieve unbiased results. Whether it’s water, soil, plants or the air we breathe, find the ideal product to purify your most difficult samples by downloading the environmental sample selection guide.
Next generation sequencing gives you higher discovery power by resolving the genomes of entirely novel organisms and variants with no sequenced relatives.
Discover NGS
Digital PCR allows the absolute quantitation without relying on references or standards. This appealing new method is thus highly recommended for microbial detection and quantitative analysis.
Discover dPCR
Our qPCR workflow removes variables and errors and integrates with an unparalleled catalog of predesigned PCR assays and panels. With our advanced design algorithms, you can get also precise and reproducible quantification and profiling.
Discover qPCR
Next generation sequencing for deeper insights

NGS determines the nucleic acid sequence that makes up a genome or targeted genomic regions of a microbe without any previous knowledge of its existence. This allows even the identification of novel pathogens. The unbiased nature of NGS also enables the identification of co-infections that other assays might otherwise ignore. Moreover, NGS can be used for pathogen surveillance to detect genetic variants that may be evolving.

Harness the power of hybrid capture technology for NGS based microbial identification:

NGS, Workflow, next Generation sequencing, sample preparation, GeneRead assistant on iPad 11/2015, (Automation (IAS), Spin/Tube/Plate, Computer/Laptop/Tablet, Laboratory, Hand/handling, Photography, MDx, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS))
Using digital PCR to detect and quantify what goes unseen

As often in nature, the targets with low and rare abundance give you the most interesting insights. However, finding those targets is often a needle in a haystack problem. That’s where digital PCR comes in handy with its high precision and sensitivity. The new dPCR Microbial DNA Detection Assays for the QIAcuity Probe PCR Kit (for DNA targets) or the QIAcuity OneStep Advanced Probe Kit (for RNA or a mix of RNA and DNA targets) allow to identify >680 targets with up to 5 targets per reaction.

For more details on the assay performance, see the Product Profile:

digital PCR, dPCR, QIAcuity One, sealed nanoplate, QIAGEN Kit box, Logo, device label, tray, close-up, zoom, details