Sample stabilization
Protect the microbial community and functional profile of your stool sample with the PowerProtect DNA/RNA stabilization solution while storing your sample.
Protect your sample
Sample disruption
Lyse your microbial sample with robust sample disruption systems based on bead beating technology for fast and efficient homogenization.
Lyse your sample
Nucleic acid extraction
No matter which sample type or whether you want to extract DNA or RNA, the Power Pro kits with the second generation Inhibitor Removal Technology® provide you with the best starting material.
Isolate nucleic acids
Human sample selection guide
Our human sample portfolio includes dedicated nucleic acid isolation solutions for many sample types, even the most challenging ones. See which kits suit your sample best in our human sample selection guide. Then choose the automation and throughput options you need.
Environmental sample selection guide
For environmental and agricultural microbial research, our sample extraction solutions help you tackle difficult-to-lyse microbes, eliminate inhibitors from your sample and achieve unbiased results. Whether it’s water, soil, plants or the air we breathe, find the ideal product to purify your most difficult samples by downloading the environmental sample selection guide.
Next generation sequencing gives you higher discovery power by resolving the genomes of entirely novel organisms and variants with no sequenced relatives.
Discover NGS
Digital PCR allows the absolute quantitation without relying on references or standards. This appealing new method is thus highly recommended for microbial detection and quantitative analysis.
Discover dPCR
Our qPCR workflow removes variables and errors and integrates with an unparalleled catalog of predesigned PCR assays and panels. With our advanced design algorithms, you can get also precise and reproducible quantification and profiling.
Discover qPCR