People working in lab
Next-generation sequencing

Capture the complexity of myeloid neoplasms with targeted NGS

Unraveling the mutational landscape of myeloid neoplasms

Myeloid neoplasms are a group of diseases characterized by a wide range of mutations across multiple genes, including oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. These genes include CALR and CEBPA for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and TP53 or RB1 for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Targeted NGS has the potential to reveal the mutational landscape of myeloid neoplasms comprehensively. But everything hinges on choosing the right panel. Low allele frequency of variants, high GC content, low enrichment of target DNA and ultra-long workflows can delay insights. Skip the drama and detect low-frequency variants with high confidence. Our QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro Panel for myeloid neoplasms has been developed with your challenges in mind.

Top 5 reasons why you should upgrade to the QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro Human Myeloid Neoplasms Focus Panel:

6 hours
6 hours
to go from sample to NGS-ready libraries and an automation-friendly workflow
Full CEBPA coverage
Full CEBPA coverage
using chemistry compatible with GC-rich regions
High sensitivity
High sensitivity
at <1% variant allele frequency
Detect CALR deletions
Detect CALR deletions
with a user-friendly bioinformatics pipeline
Comprehensive coverage
Comprehensive coverage
of genes driven by advanced primer multiplexing capabilities
Dr Barnaby Clark
「QIAseq Targeted DNA Proのライブラリー調製のハンズオン時間は約6時間に短縮されるので、1日でライブラリー調製が可能となります。これは、ターンアラウンドタイムが短いがん研究ラボにとって非常に魅力的です。」 
Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust、精密医療研究所長、Dr. Barnaby Clark

Don’t dread data analysis and interpretation – we’ve got you covered

Analyze with precision. Interpret with confidence. The QIAseq workflow lets you seamlessly go from sequencing library to secondary analysis and interpretation. This means you can reliably detect difficult and rare variants below 1% VAF.
writing on a see through board
Secondary data analysis: QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench
The user-friendly QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench provides comprehensive analysis of your NGS data and offers advanced NGS workflows for targeted panel support and variant calling. Detect difficult variants, such as SRSF2, CEBPA and CALR mutations, and call variants below 1% VAF with the combined QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro Human Myeloid Neoplasms Panel and CLC Genomics Workbench workflow.
Interpret your results with QIAGEN Clinical Insight (QCI) Interpret for Oncology
This platform, powered by augmented molecular intelligence, enables rapid, evidence-based comprehensive genomic profiling at scale. Connected to the QIAGEN Knowledge Base, QCI Interpret for Oncology dynamically computes pathogenicity and actionability based on the AMP/ASCO/CAP or ACMG/AMP guidelines for every variant in over 31,000 cancer types with complete transparency. You can access over 410,000 preformulated, oncologist-reviewed variant impact summaries to simplify and accelerate interpretation.
Three key considerations for choosing an NGS panel
Three key considerations for choosing an NGS panel
Browse through our blog post for a checklist of considerations for targeted NGS of myeloid neoplasms.
Read now
Webinar: Optimize your NGS workflow for myeloid malignancies
Webinar: Optimize your NGS workflow for myeloid malignancies
Discover how to combat challenges like low allele frequency of variants, high GC content and low enrichment of targets.
Watch the webinar
Technical guide on myeloid disorder NGS panels
Technical guide on myeloid disorder NGS panels
Explore the specifics of our complete Sample to Insight solution for somatic variant detection in myeloid malignancies.
Download now