In just the last few months we've seen tuberculosis (TB) outbreaks in Minnesota, Alabama, Virginia, Arizona, New York and Canada. It's past time to end such infectious-disease threats. Marc Destito, Head of Global Health, explains what would help.
TB could very quickly create a large scale public health emergency.
Marc Destito, Vice President and Head of Global Health
We know the next pandemic is a question of
"when" rather than "if".
Marc Destito, Vice President and Head of Global Health
Our pandemic preparedness, prevention and response planning must become more strategic, more targeted and more holistic.
Marc Destito, Vice President and Head of Global Health

Marc Destito, Vice President and Head of Global Health
Marc Destito, is Vice President and Head of Global Health, focusing on infectious diseases, tuberculosis (TB) and women's health.
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- https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/minnesota-department-of-health-tracking-tuberculosis-outbreak/
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