Incomplete and damaged shipments

If a shipment is incomplete, please retain all shipping documents, containers, and packing materials, and notify our Customer Care department (800-18859) as soon as possible (no later than five business days after receipt).

If a shipment is damaged, accept the shipment and retain all shipping documents, cartons, and packing materials for inspection. Record on the delivery note any visible damage at the time of receipt. Report the damage to our Customer Care department (800-18859) as soon as possible.

Once a shipment of the product has been released to the carrier, the purchaser become the owner of the goods and is responsible for claiming any damage.

Questions and requests for assistance should be directed to our Customer Care department.

Related links that may help:

Shipping and delivery

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DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kits
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QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit
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RNeasy Plus Mini Kit
RNeasy Plus Mini Kit
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