ipsogen BCR-ABL1 Mbcr Kit

For quantitative detection of BCR-ABL Mbcr b2a2 or b3a2 transcripts using real-time PCR


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ipsogen BCR-ABL1 Mbcr Kit (24)

Cat no. / ID.   670113

For 24 reactions: ABL Control Gene Standards, BCR-ABL Mbcr Fusion Gene Standards, Primers and Probe Mix ABL, Primers and Probe Mix BCR-ABL Mbcr Fusion Gene
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures. No claim or representation is intended to provide information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.

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  • Accurate and sensitive quantitative assay
  • EAC standardized assay for reproducible results
  • Easy workflow with ready-to-use solutions

Product Details

The ipsogen BCR-ABL1 Mbcr Kit is intended for research use only and is not for use in diagnostic procedures. The kit is for real-time PCR on the Rotor-Gene Q and other real-time PCR instruments. The kit provides reagents optimized for reliable and sensitive detection and quantification of BCR-ABL Mbcr b2a2 or b3a2 transcripts, relative to ABL control gene expression, in total RNA. Major developments in technology and analytical performance are integrated into the ipsogen BCR-ABL1 Mbcr IS-MMR Kit, to provide sensitive and accurate results aligned with the International Scale, and allow assessment of Major Molecular Response (MMR).


To ensure highest sensitivity, the ipsogen BCR-ABL1 Mbcr Kit has been optimized to detect BCR-ABL Mbcr p210 b2a2 or b3a2 transcripts and the ABL control gene using prediluted plasmid standards and primers and probe mixes (see figures  Accurate detection of BCR-ABL Mbcr standards and  Reliable detection of ABL plasmid standards).
See figures


The ipsogen BCR-ABL1 Mbcr Kit is a ready-to-use kit for the detection of BCR-ABL Mbcr p210 b2a2 or b3a2 fusion gene transcripts using real-time PCR. The kit is based on the amplification and detection of specific BCR-ABL Mbcr p210 b2a2 or b3a2 transcripts, relative to ABL control gene expression, in total RNA. The kit provides high levels of specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility. The ipsogen BCR-ABL1 Mbcr Kit provides 5 standard dilutions for Mbcr and 3 standard dilutions for ABL. Use of the standards enables accurate quantification of transcripts. Specific primers and probe mixes and standard serial dilutions of control and fusion DNA are provided for the quantification of the BCR-ABL1 Mbcr genes and the ABL control gene according to Europe Against Cancer (EAC) recommendations (see figures  BCR-ABL Mbcr fusion gene transcript and  ABL control gene transcript).
See figures


The first step is reverse transcription of total RNA in a sample into cDNA. The second step is the amplification of cDNA by real-time PCR. Using the ipsogen BCR-ABL1 Mbcr Kit allows detection and quantification of BCR-ABL Mbcr p210 b2a2 or b3a2 fusion gene and ABL transcripts. Simply start the reaction using the optimized protocols described in the kit handbook.


The ipsogen BCR-ABL1 Mbcr Kit enables sensitive and reliable detection and quantification of BCR-ABL Mbcr p210 b2a2 or b3a2 transcripts, relative to ABL control gene expression, for research use only.

Supporting data and figures


Kit Handbooks (1)
Safety Data Sheets (2)
Download Safety Data Sheets for QIAGEN product components.
Certificates of Analysis (1)
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100単位のマルチTag 2DNAポリメラーゼ
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QIAseq 8-Unique Dual Index Set B (48)
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QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Accessory Set B
Additional Buffers and Reagents; Typically for use with 2 x QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kits (250), catalog number 51106, on the QIAcube
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For use on Applied Biosystems Real-Time Systems: Calibration Standard FAM (60 µl), Calibration Standard JOE (60 µl), Calibration Standard ATTO 550 (60 µl), Calibration Standard ROX (60 µl), Calibration Standard ATTO 647N (60 µl), Quantiplex Pro Calibration Buffer (30 ml)
NOK 2,955.00
7 mL Large-Volume Tubes (48)
Cat no. / ID. 951954
7 mL Large-Volume Tubes (48)
Two bags of 24 large-volume tubes (7 mL)
NOK 225.00
AllTaq PCR Core Kit (5000 U)
AllTaq PCR Core Kit (5000 U)
5 x 200 µl AllTaq Polymerase (5 U/µl), 9 x 1.2 ml AllTaq PCR Buffer (5x), 5 x 200 µl dNTP Mix (10 mM each), 4 x 200 µl Template Tracer (25x), 9 x 50 µl Master Mix Tracer (125x), 5 x 2 ml Q-Solution (5x), 2 x 1.2 ml MgCl2 (25 mM), 16 x 1.9 ml RNase-Free Water
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プライマーミックス、Fast Reaction Mix 3.0、コントロールDNA、アレリックラダー26plex、ヌクレアーゼフリー水
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4N6FLOQSwabs w/a drying system (50)
For 50 samples
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Investigator 24plex QS Kit(100)
プライマーミックス、Fast Reaction Mix(Taq DNAポリメラーゼを含む)、コントロールDNA、アレリックラダー24plex、DNAサイズスタンダード24plex(BTO)、ヌクレアーゼフリー水
NOK 24,475.00
mericon Salmonella spp Kit (96)
Cat no. / ID. 290015
mericon Salmonella spp Kit (96)
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NOK 10,045.00
200 µl Conductive Filtered Tips
Cat no. / ID. 990522
200 µl Conductive Filtered Tips
Carbon-impregnated conductive tips (960 tips) for use with liquid-level sensing; tips contain high-set filters; for use with Tip Rack Holder (cat. no. 9018949)
NOK 1,835.00
Investigator Quantiplex Pro RGQ Kit (200)
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Investigator Quantiplex Pro RGQ Kit (200)
For use on QIAGEN RotorGene Q Real-Time Systems: Quantiplex Pro RGQ Reaction Mix, Quantiplex Pro RGQ Primer Mix, Male Control DNA M1, QuantiTect Nucleic Acid Dilution Buffer
NOK 8,350.00
dNTP Set, PCR Grade, 4 x 100 µl
Cat no. / ID. 201912
dNTP Set, PCR Grade, 4 x 100 µl
100 mM each dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP for 1000 x 50 µl PCR reactions
NOK 1,280.00
Buffer XBP (250 ml)
Cat no. / ID. 76204
Buffer XBP (250 ml)
250 ml Binding Buffer
NOK 1,140.00
マトリックススタンダードBT5 multi cap. (50)
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QIAcard FTA Wash Buffer (500 ml)
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QIAcard FTA Wash Buffer (500 ml)
500 mlボトル
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Matrix Standard BT6(50)
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Matrix Standard BT6(50)
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Q-Solution Kit
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Q-Solution Kit
5x Q-Solutionと25 mM MgCl2を、任意のテンプレートおよび任意のQIAcuity マスターミックスを用いるアッセイと組み合わせる。
NOK 745.00