Codon Frenzy
to test your codon
knowledge? Try our
interactive game and
hit all the amino acid
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On-demand webinars
From isolations tips and
tricks to analyzing NGS
data. Learn more
through our on demand
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RNA isolation Playlist
Discover our reliable
RNA extraction kits and
explore step by step
tutorials, tips, and best
practices to ensure
high quality RNA
isolation for your
Watch now
QIAcube Connect Red
Learn more about automating your spin-column nucleic acid purification protocols. Add a little red to your lab.
Get red
RNA universe
Discover different types of RNA with our informational poster, which you can print and use as a reference whenever you need.
The DO’s and DON’Ts of working with RNA
Check your knowledge of successful RNA handling, storage and stabilization with our infographic.
RNA by numbers
Find out which RNA types are the most and the least abundant in the cell by viewing this infographic.
RNA history
Check out our blog post with a short history of RNA and discover the path to this incredibly important molecule.
Read blog post
Tips and tricks for RNA isolation
RNA isolation can be
challenging. Learn what
you can do to improve your
results, regardless of sample
Watch webinar
A guide to successful RNA sequencing
Take your research to the
next level and learn how
to obtain and analyze
high yields of high quality
Learn more
Go beyond RNA-seq for gene expression insights
Dr. Samuel J.
introduces a cloud-based solution for effortless
RNA/miRNA NGS data
Discover now
Simple miRNA-seq analysis with our RNA-seq Analysis Portal
Easily analyze your
miRNA-seq data with Dr.
George Quellhorst as he
presents the RNA-seq
Analysis Portal.
Explore how
Isolation challenges and considerations
Get an overview of the
challenges and
considerations of RNA
isolation at a glance.
Take the next step toward efficiency
Are you looking for a high-throughput
solution? Learn
about our QIAcube HT
Nucleic acid quality control
Discover QIAxcel Connect, the advanced generation of our capillary electrophoresis device. Fully automate the fragment analysis and quality control of up to 96 samples per run.
Sample quality control
Read about the importance of quality control (QC) in the lab and key QC parameters following your application and workflow.
PCR workflows
Looking for (q)PCR solutions for analyzing gene expression (e.g. mRNA) and regulation (e.g. small and miRNA)? Here’s all you need from versatile kits to top-notch block cyclers.
dPCR workflows
When the lower limit of
detection excludes standard
real-time quantitative PCR as
a viable solution, digital PCR
makes it surprisingly easy to
detect the single positive. Find
all the knowledge you need
about dPCR.
NGS workflows
The power and
advantages of next-generation sequencing
(NGS) are available to
RNA researchers as
RNA-seq. Going beyond
mRNA expression, new
techniques improve