Strengths of Pyrosequencing
Pyrosequencing is accurate, sensitive, and flexible. It enables:
- Reliable detection and quantification of sequence variation, even when mutations are found in low proportions
- Characterization of contiguous and multivariable mutations
- Discovery of unknown mutations
- Rapid allele quantification in loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analyses
- Unambiguous, fully quantitative genotyping that distinguishes multi-site variations from single nucleotide polymorphisms
Pyrosequencing for quantitative sequence variation analysis
Many mutation types are important in fields such as epidemiology, pharmacogenetics, and animal husbandry, and new markers are continuously being discovered. As a result, a variety of analysis methods are used to detect genetic variability. This can complicate comparison of results obtained by different methods and different researchers. Ideally, a single technology could be adapted for all applications to standardize results. Pyrosequencing offers precisely that versatility. Because of the flexibility of primer placement in Pyrosequencing reactions, virtually all genetic markers — those currently in use as well as those yet to be identified — can be assayed. Alleles of variable loci are accurately quantified, and heterozygosity is easily resolved (see figures Analysis of a tri-allelic SNP and Quantitative mutation analysis). In addition, because Pyrosequencing delivers sequence information, various types of genetic variation can be evaluated — insertion-deletions, single nucleotide polymorphisms, single tandem repeats, and variable gene copy number — and it is possible to assay several contiguous sequence variants in a single run.
Analysis of complex mutations
Furthermore, the straightforward results are easily interpreted. Pyrosequencing enables de novo sequencing which, coupled with the built-in control afforded by the sequence surrounding the variable site, is a guaranteed way of validating newly identified markers. The high throughput facilitates rapid compilation of the population data needed to establish reference databases for these markers. This feature makes Pyrosequencing a powerful and versatile tool for the development of pharmacogenetic markers (1).
Koontz, D.A., Huckins, J.J., Spencer, A., and Gallagher, M.L. (2009) Rapid detection of the CYP2A6*12 hybrid allele by Pyrosequencing technology. BMC Med. Gen. 10, 80.