The invention of PCR revolutionized molecular biology and quickly became a standard tool in molecular biology labs. But despite widespread use and new groundbreaking applications, designing and implementing PCR experiments can remain time consuming – and challenging – compromising the flow of daily routine lab work.

This webinar describes how standard PCR workflows can be streamlined, and introduces the AllTaq PCR Kit, which improves and simplifies PCR setup and runs.

About the speaker
Dirk Schacht, Associate Director, PCR Systems & Assays
Dirk Schacht obtained his Diploma in Biology, which was focused on microbiology and genetics, from the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. Before joining QIAGEN in 1998, he held various national and international sales and marketing positions in diagnostic companies. Dirk is currently Associate Director Global Product Management in QIAGEN's PCR Systems & Assays Team.
Date of recording:2021년 6월 24일 목요일
Duration:1 hour
Molecular Biology