Meet the global forensics community at the QIAGEN Investigator Forums
QIAGEN’s Investigator Forums provide a unique opportunity for members of the global human identity and forensics community to come together to discuss the latest breakthroughs and achievements in human identity science and technology. Whether meeting in person or virtually, these forensics conferences are an ideal space to share your experiences and connect with peers from all of the world. Previous Forums have included talks by renowned international speakers on new and emerging technologies, such as Pyrosequencing for methylation studies and NGS applications covering STRs, SNPs and mitochondrial DNA analysis, as well as interesting casework examples.
It was a great experience at a splendid conference. The forum provided a basis for fruitful exchange and discussion across both geographical and expertise borders.
Lisa Dierig, Institute of Legal Medicine, Ulm
Investigator Forums are a can’t-miss-it opportunity
The atmosphere was inspiring and the size of the meeting is perfect for networking. Awesome!
PD Dr. Burkhard Rolf, Eurofins Medigenomix Forensik GmbH, Ebersberg
Don’t miss updates on the upcoming Investigator Forum!
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