Understanding our world
Our world is full of diverse environments, rich in complexity. And within these niches, microbes are everywhere, in the water, soil, plants and more, forming intricate species relationships and networks. Studying these can be both a stunning and staggering task. This is why we are dedicated to providing the most powerful tools for purifying and analysing challenging environmental and agricultural microbiome samples. Our kits are designed to lyse difficult microbes and eliminate inhibitors, giving you sensitive, unbiased and repeatable results. Our workflows are designed to achieve unbiased and repeatable results by lysing difficult microbes, eliminating inhibitors, exhibiting low GC bias and integrating easy-to-use analysis solutions.
Working with challenging samples
Environmental samples can come from many different sources, each with individual challenges in collection, inhibitor content, standardization and repetition. Below are helpful videos answering questions about soil samples, water sample and automated isolations.
Choose the best kits for your samples
The latest shows & webinars
Featured products for environmental and agricultural microbiome research
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A Sample to Insight workflow for microbiome research
Looking inside out
Discover the QIAGEN take on human biomedical microbiome research.