Purify ccfDNA
Explore our ccfDNA portfolio to get the highest yields and purity of ccfDNA from a range of starting materials. With scalable input volumes and standardized automated workflows, you also get unmatched flexibility and increased productivity.
Characterize CTC
Efficiently enrich and characterize CTCs from blood using our two-step AdnaTest system. The first step uses an optimized antibody mixture for highly specific immunomagnetic selection. The second step allows sensitive gene expression analysis.
Extract exosomes
Enjoy spin column simplicity with ultracentrifugation quality with our exoRNeasy and exoEasy Kits. Specifically developed for fast and convenient extraction of exosomal RNAs and intact exosomes from large volumes of biofluids.
Purify cell-free miRNA
Get safe, convenient purification of total RNA from serum and plasma using our miRNeasy Serum/Plasma Advanced Kit. By combining easy-to-automate MinElute spin-column technology with a phenol-free protocol, you get consistent, hassle-free high-quality yields.
Purify ccfDNA/ccfRNA
Uncover a comprehensive picture of the transcriptome and genome by simultaneously isolating excellent yields and quality of cell-free DNA and RNA from the same sample using our QIAamp ccfDNA/RNA Kit.
Targeted NGS
Detect low-frequency variants with high confidence by overcoming the issues of PCR duplicates, false positives and library bias using our QIAseq Targeted DNA panels.
miRNA sequencing
Eliminate adapter dimers and unwanted RNA species for greater sequencing efficiency using the QIAseq miRNA Library Kit.
RNA biomarker profiling
Obtain complete gene expression profiles by simultaneously analyzing mRNA, miRNA and lncRNA using our range of designed and custom miRCURY and RT2 panels and arrays.
CTC gene expression
Achieve the highest degree of analytical specificity and sensitivity in CTC biomarker detection and discovery using highly sensitive AdnaTest RT-PCR technology.