Everything you need to know about methylation in disease
We sat down with Dr. Jörg Tost, Director of the Laboratory for Epigenetics and Environment at CEA, Université Paris-Saclay and expert in methylation detection technology, to discuss the past, present and future of epigenomics research and its implications for medicine.
Photo copyright F. Rhodes – CEA
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Studying human disorders with highly multiplexed targeted DNA methylation analysis
In this webinar, Dr. Jörg Tost describes how QIAseq Targeted Methyl Panels are a well-suited and flexible tool for the simultaneous validation of DNA methylation changes in thousands of CpGs in large cohorts of individuals.
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Learn more about targeted methylation detection
Discover the benefits of targeted bisulfite sequencing, an efficient, streamlined approach to maximize throughput and minimize cost when analyzing DNA methylation.
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Methylation status reveals the purity of derived cells
Epigenetic regulation across the genome, and methylation patterns in particular, are important modulators of basic biological processes, as well as the switch between health and disease. In this blog post, discover how understanding the methylation status of specialized endothelial cells in the liver may one day lead to a long-term cell therapy for hemophilia.
Newest publication using our technology
Muhammad, A. J. et al. (2020)
Molecular Analysis of Fetal and Adult Primary Human Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells: A Comparison to Other Endothelial Cells.
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Unlock liquid biopsy samples with NGS-based methylation detection from 10 ng DNA
In this new webinar, we introduce a novel, highly sensitive and faster NGS-based approach to targeted methylation detection using the QIAseq Targeted and Custom Methyl Panels.
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Streamlining analysis of targeted NGS methylation data using QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench software
In this webinar, we describe additional aspects of our Sample to Insight solution, focusing on the analysis and visualization of targeted methyl panel data using QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench software.