Sample collection
UniCore Puncher
OmniSwab Sterile
EasiCollect Plus
EasiCollect Buccal Collection Kit
And more
Tissue Lyser II
Investigator Lyse&Spin Basket Kit
Investigator Casework GO! Kit
Sample preparation
EZ2 Connect Fx
QIAcube Connect
QIAsymphony SP
QIAamp DNA Investigator Kit
EZ1&2 DNA Investigator Kit
QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit
Investigator STAR Lyse&Prep Kit
And more
Assay setup
QIAsymphony AS
STAR Q Punch AS Instrument
STAR Q Swab AS Instrument
Methylation analysis
PyroMark Q48 Autoprep System
Rotor-Gene Q
Investigator Quantiplex Pro RGQ Kit
Investigator Quantiplex Pro Kit
STR analysis
Human autosomal STR kits
Investigator 24plex QS and GO! Kits
Investigator 26plex QS Kit
Investigator ESSplex SE QS
Investigator IDplex Plus and GO! Kits
Supplementary human autosomal STR kits
Investigator HDplex Kit
Investigator Triplex DSF Kit
Investigator Triplex AFS QS Kit
Human gonosomal STR kits
Investigator Argus Y-28 QS Kit
Investigator Argus X-12 QS Kit
Human bi-allelic marker kits
Investigator DIPlex Kit
NGS analysis
MiSeq FGx
NGS for routine cases & databasing
ForenSeq MainstAY Kit
NGS for complex cases
ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit
ForenSeq Kintelligence Kit
ForenSeq mtDNA Control Region Kit
NGS library prep
QIAseq Investigator Panels
QIAseq and GeneRead Library Prep Kits
NGS analysis software
Verogen ForenSeq Universal Analysis Software
CLC Genomics Workbench
Identifying unknown non-human DNA samples
In this Investigator blog, discover how Mirna Ghemrawi, a doctoral student at Florida International University, uses Pyrosequencing-based methylation analysis in species identification.
Read her story
Studying chronological aging with DNA methylation analysis
In this Investigator blog, learn how Jan Fleckhaus, Ph.D. student at the Institute of Legal Medicine, Cologne, Germany, optimizes Pyrosequencing technology for routine forensic work and DNA methylation-based age prediction.
Read his blog
Cost benefits and 4N6FLOQSwabs
In this webinar Dr. Bruce Budowle uses a cost-benefit analysis of 4N6FLOQSwabs to explain ways to increase lab funding.
Watch the webinar
EZ1 solves Bronze Age mystery
Discover how DNA from 3000-year-old bones was successfully purified using the EZ1 instrument. This purified ancient DNA was suitable for PCR amplification and STR analysis. Genotyping identified familial relationships within the samples, suggesting that the Bronze Age cave where the bones were discovered was a family burial site.
Read application note
EZ1 is your solution to challenging bone samples
Discover how to speed up and improve the DNA yield from bone. Using the EZ1 Advanced XL Instrument, you can reduce the lysis time from the traditional 24 hours to a more efficient 2-hour treatment. Go from sample processing to results within the same working day with this rapid bone protocol.
QIAseq Investigator Panels
Dedicated QIAseq panels for human identity investigations
More info
GeneRead Size Selection Kit
For quick and reliable removal of DNA fragments <150 bp for library preparation in NGS applications
QIAseq Library Quant System
For qPCR-enabled quantification of NGS libraries
QIAseq and GeneRead Library Prep Kits
For fast and efficient preparation of DNA libraries for use in NGS applications