HID Investigate scene main image
Human identification and forensics


Solutions for even your most challenging samples

Casework samples – whether from sexual assault cases, kinship testing, disaster victim ID or other scenarios – are difficult to work with. They often contain highly degraded DNA, high inhibitor contents or mixed DNA from multiple individuals. To help forensic labs overcome these challenges, we've developed dedicated products and protocols, including robust instrumentation for sample preparation and a complete analytical assay portfolio, that are optimized for compromised DNA. In addition, QIAGEN scientists and technical support specialists are ready to help you prepare for even the most sensitive and challenging applications.

Tailored solutions for challenging applications

Enabling justice and closure

Sexual assault victims often do not get necessary closure due to a lack of informative and conclusive results from challenging DNA evidence. Learn how QIAGEN is partnering with forensic scientists worldwide and enabling justice by streamlining sexual assault sample analysis.

From crime scene to courtroom​
Sad woman standing next to missing person poster
Helping families find closure

Missing persons projects require specialized technology for both the recovery of DNA from compromised samples and the analysis of degraded DNA. QIAGEN has a long history of involvement in these projects and offers a wide array of technology that is particularly suited to provide reliable support to workers in the field and in the laboratory.

Discover applications of NGS in human ID

Noninvasive prenatal paternity testing by means of SNP-based targeted sequencing barcoded with Unique Molecular Indices – Read the application note.

Development of an Individual Identity SNP panel and workflow for paternity and forensic applications – Read the application note.

Plus, find more NGS resources here.

Want a workflow to match your forensic needs?
Our easy online tool can help build an HID workflow with only a few clicks.

Get more insights

Identifying unknown non-human DNA samples​
Identifying unknown non-human DNA samples​
In this Investigator blog, discover how Mirna Ghemrawi, a doctoral student at Florida International University, uses Pyrosequencing-based methylation analysis in species identification.
Read her story
Studying chronological aging with DNA methylation analysis​
Studying chronological aging with DNA methylation analysis​
In this Investigator blog, learn how Jan Fleckhaus, Ph.D. student at the Institute of Legal Medicine, Cologne, Germany, optimizes Pyrosequencing technology for routine forensic work and DNA methylation-based age prediction.
Read his blog
Cost benefits and 4N6FLOQSwabs
Cost benefits and 4N6FLOQSwabs
In this webinar Dr. Bruce Budowle uses a cost-benefit analysis of 4N6FLOQSwabs to explain ways to increase lab funding.
Watch the webinar
Discover applications of pyrosequencing in human ID

Tissue source attribution using the PyroMark Q48 Autoprep System: Sperm identification in forensic casework – read the application note.

Validation of the PyroMark Q48 Autoprep compared with the PyroMark Q24 system for methylation based age estimation – read the application note.

Plus, find more Pyrosequencing and methylation resources here.

Achieve success with bone samples

Anthropology researchers are faced with the challenge of purifying DNA from bones and teeth and creating profiles of potentially degraded DNA. We understand your specialized needs and have developed optimized tools to handle these unique sample materials, including the EZ1 Advanced XL Instrument. EZ1 has dedicated protocols for the purification of DNA from bulk samples of ground bones and teeth. Plus, we offer pre- and post-PCR cleanup kits to maximize the potential of a sample, as well as specialized DNA profiling kits, such as the Investigator 24plex QS Kit and DIPplex Kit, for degraded DNA samples.

EZ1 Advanced XL
EZ1 solves Bronze Age mystery​
EZ1 solves Bronze Age mystery​
Discover how DNA from 3000-year-old bones was successfully purified using the EZ1 instrument. This purified ancient DNA was suitable for PCR amplification and STR analysis. Genotyping identified familial relationships within the samples, suggesting that the Bronze Age cave where the bones were discovered was a family burial site.
Read application note
EZ1 is your solution to challenging bone samples​
EZ1 is your solution to challenging bone samples​
Discover how to speed up and improve the DNA yield from bone. Using the EZ1 Advanced XL Instrument, you can reduce the lysis time from the traditional 24 hours to a more efficient 2-hour treatment. Go from sample processing to results within the same working day with this rapid bone protocol.
Read application note

Featured products
focus on NGS

QIAseq Investigator Panels
QIAseq Investigator Panels
Dedicated QIAseq panels for human identity investigations
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GeneRead Size Selection Kit
GeneRead Size Selection Kit
For quick and reliable removal of DNA fragments <150 bp for library preparation in NGS applications
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QIAseq Library Quant System
QIAseq Library Quant System
For qPCR-enabled quantification of NGS libraries
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QIAseq and GeneRead Library Prep Kits
QIAseq and GeneRead Library Prep Kits
For fast and efficient preparation of DNA libraries for use in NGS applications
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