Syndromic Testing

Reliably detect central nervous system infections with QIAstat-Dx

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Get the answer when it matters most

Infections of the central nervous system (CNS) – meningitis and encephalitis – require immediate medical attention. To provide timely therapeutic care for a patient with a CNS infection, you need an accurate diagnosis within hours. But identifying the causative pathogen, whether bacterial, viral or fungal, can be challenging. Traditional diagnostic tools, like cerebrospinal fluid culture and Gram stain, can be labor intensive, time-consuming and show limited sensitivity1,2

Syndromic testing offers a rapid diagnostic solution for CNS infections. The QIAstat-Dx Meningitis/Encephalitis Panel provides comprehensive results in about an hour, ensuring the most serious infections won’t go missed.
  1. Van de Beek D. et al. (2016) Cli Microbiol Infect. 22, S37–S62
  2. Hasbun R. et al. (2001) N Engl J Med. 345(24), 1727–1733
  3. GBD 2016 Meningitis Collaborators. (2018) Lancet. 17,1061–1082
  4. Auburtin M. et al. (2006) Crit Care Med. 34(11), 2758–2765
  5. Proulx, N., et al. (2005) QJM. 98(4), 291–298
  6. Rosenstein N.E. et al. (2001) N Engl J Med. 344, 1378–1388
  7. Durand M.L. et al. (1993) N Engl J Med. 328(1), 21–28
  8. Cailleaux M. et al. (2019) ) Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 39, 293–297
  9. Moffa M.A., et al. (2020) Antibiotics (Basel). 9(6), 282
  10. Posnakoglou L. et al. (2020) Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 39, 2379–2386
  11. Leber A. et al. (2016) J Clin Microbiol. 59(4), 2251–2261


Data cited pertains to the use of a device from another manufacturer.

The QIAstat-Dx Analyzer is intended for in vitro diagnostic use. 

The QIAstat-Dx ME Panel is indicated as an aid in the diagnosis of specific agents that cause meningitis and/or encephalitis, and results must be used in conjunction with other clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory data. Results from the QIAstat-Dx ME Panel are not intended to be used as the sole basis for diagnosis, treatment, or other patient management decisions. Positive results do not rule out co-infection with organisms not included in the QIAstat-Dx ME Panel. The agent or agents detected may not be the definite cause of the disease. Negative results do not preclude central nervous system (CNS) infection. 

The QIAstat-Dx ME Panel is intended for in vitro diagnostic use by laboratory professionals only.

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