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Oncology | Blood Cancer

Detecting CALR mutations should always be this easy

Reliably detect CALR mutations 

Our CALR solutions let you analyze CALR mutations with the same workflow you use for JAK2 V617F testing.

With the CALR mutation testing kits, you can be sure of :

  • Reliable qualitative detection of CALR exon 9 mutations (c.1091_1162 region) and identification of Types 1 & 2 in the same real-time PCR run
  • Multiple results with just one instrument and one real-time PCR step
  • An Integrated, ready-to-use workflow that saves time and lowers costs.
  • Increased lab efficiency

Confident CALR detection 

Our CE-IVD certified ipsogen CALR RGQ PCR Kit improves MPN diagnosis with easy and sensitive CALR mutation detection

The ipsogen CALR RGQ PCR Kit lets you:

  • Follow diagnostic algorithm testing and WHO 2016 guidelines by reliably testing clinically relevant MPN biomarkers
  • Analyze JAK2 V617F, followed by CALR, from the same sample in the same workflow 
  • Optimize sample use, save time and increase lab efficiency
  • Access direct results interpretation and reporting


* Wu Z, Zhong C, Mo X, Guan M. Clinical relevance between CALR mutation and myeloproliferotive neoplasms. Stem Cell lnvestig. 2015 Feb 16;2:4. do;: 10.3978/p,sn.2306-9759.2015.0l.03. PMID: 27358872; PMCID: PMC4923639.

**The 2016 revision to the World Health Organization classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemia (2016}. https:// ash article/ 127 /20/2391/35255/The-2016-revision-lo-the-World-Health-Organizalion (accessed May l 0, 2022)