The future is here: an e-commerce and gaming giant teamed up with an Artificial Intelligence (AI) startup in Japan to create an innovative, promising solution to identify – and fight – cancer using QIAGEN's QIAseq Kits for next-generation sequencing.
“Just knowing you have cancer is not enough for treatment. You need to know where. We, therefore, want to develop a pan-cancer screening assay.”
Dr. Kiyo Ishikura, Associate Director of healthcare, PFDeNA
“We believe machine learning and deep learning brings much higher sensitivity and specificity than conventional assays for cancer screening.”
Dr. Kiyo Ishikura, Associate Director of healthcare, PFDeNA
“QIAGEN is a vital, reliable partner in our work and has provided us with high-quality, cutting-edge reagents and ensured a stable supply.”
Tatsuya Yamaguchi, head of lab operations, PFDeNA
February 2021