How can I order GeneGlobe products online?

  1. Visit this page to browse or search for products that are based on the gene targets you want to research.
  2. On the product page, configure the product, launch a custom builder to create your custom product or use the search field to find assays for your gene targets.
  3. Click the “Add to cart” button.
  4. Next, click the cart in the upper right corner to be redirected to the checkout page on
  5. Select “Begin Checkout” to continue with your order.

QIAGEN best sellers

DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kits
DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kits
For spin-column or 96-well extraction of total DNA from animal blood and tissues and from cells, yeast, bacteria, or viruses
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QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit
QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit
For purification of up to 20 μg molecular biology grade plasmid DNA
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RNeasy Plus Mini Kit
RNeasy Plus Mini Kit
For purification of up to 100 µg total RNA from cells/tissues using gDNA Eliminator columns
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