Cancellation and Returns Policy
Order cancellation policy
If you wish to cancel an order you have placed with QIAGEN, contact your QIAGEN Customer Care at Orders-ap-en@qiagen.com. Customer Care can cancel purchase orders of standard catalogue products if the order is not ready to be shipped or is ready but has not yet been shipped. Cancellation of custom products, configured products and products not inventoried at QIAGEN may be rejected or, if cancelled, be subject to cancellation fees. All order cancellations are subject to QIAGEN Terms and Conditions.
Return policy
To return a product, you must first obtain authorization for the return from QIAGEN Customer Care. You will receive a returned good authorization number, and this number must be included in the shipping documentation. Some products may not be eligible for return due to regulatory or storage requirements. All product returns are subject to QIAGEN Terms and Conditions.
If you return a product you believe is nonconforming (i.e., does not conform to specifications provided by QIAGEN) and is under product warranty, QIAGEN will assess the product to verify the nonconformance. If the product is found to be nonconforming, QIAGEN will send you a replacement within 48 hours after verification for items that are in stock. If QIAGEN asks you to return the nonconforming product, QIAGEN will pay for the return shipping charges.
Shipping failure and defective or nonconforming policy
If a shipment fails to be delivered as scheduled, you are responsible for pursuing a claim with the corresponding freight company, and QIAGEN will provide reasonable cooperation with such endeavor. It is your responsibility to perform reasonable inspection of all deliveries. If we do not receive notification from you within 30 days after shipment, we will assume that you have accepted the product and it conforms to specification. Note that this policy does not affect your rights with respect to products that develop faults or fail to perform to specification during the applicable warranty period.