Great Lake Lab
Syndromic testing


Syndromic testing simplified

Clinical labs globally are facing ever greater demands on their time and resources. Diagnostic testing shouldn't be complicated. What if running a rapid diagnostic test was as easy as making your morning cup of coffee?

QIAstat-Dx panel workflow infographic
Everything you need in one easy-to-use cartridge

Set your clinical lab up for success with a streamlined syndromic test. The QIAstat-Dx Panels redefine ease-of-use with less than one minute hands-on time and a seamless sample to result workflow. Our innovative cartridge design includes all the reagents on board – ready to use. Your lab will easily adapt to molecular testing demands with minimal training and no precision pipetting required.

Save time

All reagents are preloaded into the cartridge

Reduce errors

Tests are performed with a single-instrument solution

Lower costs

Cartridges are shipped and stored at room temperature

Learn more about the benefits of syndromic testing
Reimagine your laboratory workflows with syndromic solutions.

Maximize your impact on patient care with syndromic testing

With multiplex PCR testing, your lab can accelerate results and gain deeper insights compared to traditional methods. Empower your medical team with results delivered in time to be of clinical value in decision making.
Michelle Volk
“It became a very easy decision once we learned how sensitive and specific the QIAstat-Dx is and how easy it is to use.”
Michelle Volk, CEO and President of Great Lakes Labs, USA
Luca Sabatini, right profile
“The device is exactly what we need. It is so easy to use that after a short training, laboratory professionals in the medical team can easily operate it.”
Luca Sabatini, Medical Services Operator, Carnival Maritime, Italy
Want to see more?
Get a closer look at the QIAstat-Dx Analyzer and QIAstat-Dx panels with our interactive demo.
QIAstat-Dx, QIAstat-Dx analyzer, syndromic testing, instrument, cartridge QIAstat-Dx, QIAstat-Dx analyzer, syndromic testing, instrument, cartridge, technician, woman, lab tech, lab, laboratory
Get all the specs on QIAstat-Dx

Learn more about the features and specifications of the QIAstat-Dx Analyzer and QIAstat-Dx assays.

Learn about the role of syndromic testing in the COVID-19 pandemic
Learn about the role of syndromic testing in the COVID-19 pandemic
In this webinar, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Davide Manissero will discuss the role of multiplex respiratory PCR testing in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and how QIAGEN ramped up development efforts to be the first syndromic solution on the market.
Watch the webinar
Quick pivot enables lab to serve community during pandemic
Quick pivot enables lab to serve community during pandemic
Great Lakes Labs president and CEO Michelle Volk redirected her lab’s focus from forensics to clinical medicine in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide her community with rapid, accurate testing and peace of mind.
Read more
Resolve diagnostic unknowns fast
Resolve diagnostic unknowns fast
Syndromic testing can help eliminate the guesswork of diagnosing infectious diseases and facilitate fast clinical decision making. Learn how it works and how it can revolutionize your lab.
Read more
Automated PCR in three easy steps

With NeuMoDx, you can improve your lab’s productivity with its completely automated workflow. Get the critical information you need, when you need it. Discover what the powerful NeuMoDx can do for your lab.

neumodx 98, neumodx 288 operating
The QIAstat-Dx Analyzer, QIAstat-Dx Respiratory SARS-CoV-2 Panel and QIAstat-Dx Gastrointestinal Panel are intended for in vitro diagnostic use.

Product availability may differ from country to country based on regulations and approvals. Contact your country representative for further details.